Inspiration comes from the strangest places.
Late last night, I was looking at the latest Rate the Covers! post and all the comments this week’s cover offerings engendered. As Jose pointed out, Dynamite Entertainment definitely seems to be attempting to appeal to the underage Fanboy in all of us– with their cover images being so provocative and all.
Fair play, I guess. Everybody’s got to do what they think they’ve got to do to be noticed… Especially in a tough comic book marketplace and a recovering economy.
Given the comments and the inspiration unwittingly provided by Jose, Locusmortis, et al, I started wondering what the various covers would look like if the company had been producing these books back in the 1970s… When the use of descriptive WORD BALLOONS were all the rage.
It’s amazing how your mind works at 2am in the morning and what IMPISH FUN you can get up to when you really should be working. And that’s all this is… Just having fun. I seriously don’t have a single problem with Dynamite’s covers… Even if they do get a little absurd with their depiction and exploitation of the female form at times.
Enjoy the joke and click on the others below for more funnies!
Once you click on the covers below, you can click on each one again to get a bigger picture!