A little while ago Ian stated that he disliked Art Books and I had the idea that I’d do a Grrr! I’ll show you!! column with a metaphorical fist shake at the screen. Now though he’s said that he’s had second thoughts and actually bought some! So, what to do, eh? Well, I figured since I love Art Books— I’d like to do a little something about a couple of my favourites.
The first is the Exposé series from Australian publisher Ballistic Publishing— now in its’ 9th volume. They generally run 224 pages but Volume 9 has increased to 240 pages. Billed by the publisher as “The finest digital art in the known universe”– it really is. Each year submissions are sent in by artists from all over the world, then whittled down by a panel of industry veteran artists to approximately 400 pieces divided into 20 categories– some of which are displayed over 2 pages, some over 1 page and some images that are 3 to a page. It isn’t a cheap book ($50 – $75 USD each) but it is a work of beauty. My personal favourites are the Matte paintings, Concept art, Environments and futuristic transport entries. Also– and I know this is as important to me as it is to Ian— the hardcovers come boxed in their own protective cardboard box. If your copy doesn’t come in the box, send it back.
Gil Elvgren – The Complete Pin-Ups
Elvgren’s work is the epitome of “good-girl art”. I’d bet that Adam Hughes has Gil Elvgren paintings tattooed onto the insides of his eyelids. This book serves as a 270 page paean to the talent the illustrator extraordinaire Elvgren– who painted from the mid-30s to the mid-70s. The man truly was one of America’s great painters and was loved by the public while being ignored by the art snobs. They can have their Warhols and their Damon Hirsts and I’ll have my beautiful Gil Elvgren paintings. There are a great many comic book cover artists who could do with studying Elvgren’s paintings– to see how to draw women properly… Not with the ridiculously stupid proportions you see today. And you know another great thing about this book? It’s a Taschen 25th Anniversary Book— so its super cheap. I got mine for about £5.
Exodyssey – Steambot Studios
Steambot Studios is a collective of 6 concept-artists from the video-game and film industry who decided to publish a book of their work– with a theme and a story to tie the works together. The story revolves around a disparate team who set out to root out the corruption plaguing the Human Galactic Empire. You can follow the narrative through the book via the pictures and captions– or you can just choose to look at the gorgeous pictures instead. CG art has gotten a slightly dodgy name in the comic book business but in the concept art business it has developed into the default way of working with the latest artists. The guys at Steambot Studios are the real deal. This book is from Design Studio Press and is 172 pages.
What are your favourite Art Books, IMJ Nation™? Share your finds!