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IMJ Nation™ Confessions!


This Trade Took Me Ultimate Comics X-Men By Brian WoodEvery once in a while this happens to me. Does it happen to you?

I picked up this slim 136 page trade paperback 3 weeks ago and I’ve just now finished it. Why? Hard to tell, but this happens to me about every 50 or 60 graphic novels… Where I pick up something I think I’m going to like and it puts me to sleep– literally.

And the problem with these kind of books (for me) is they don’t completely suck ass. If they did, I would just stop reading them. I’ve notoriously been so upset with some of my graphic novels that I’ve infamously thrown them against the wall in my living room. (Long time readers know I leave the dents from the flying books in the plaster– to remind myself that there’s nothing wrong with being passionate about something or having an opinion.)

And that’s where Ultimate Comics X-Men by Brian Wood comes into the equation. Not bad enough to trash but also not good enough to stay awake to read. In fact, it may very well be the weakest, most disappointing Brian Wood comic book I have ever read. Period. The other morning (around 2am), I started reading this book and fell asleep only THREE PANELS later! I’m not kidding! It was THAT boring!

And before you go, “Ian, you were just tired… Give Brian a break!” understand this: The same morning I fell asleep after reading three panels of this crap? I woke up 15 minutes later, still groggy, and picked the Saga Volume 2 Trade and read it cover to cover without even a yawn. After I finished, I picked up this bland piece of shit again and fell dead asleep with the book still in my hands less than two pages later.

So… Does this ever happen to you? If it does– with a Trade, Hardcover, Monthly Comic or a Manga volume… Email me and let me know! I’ll feature your sad, sorry tale in this very space. If I don’t hear from anyone, you’ll be left waiting for me to recount my next bland comic coma-inducing nightmare.

And it will happen! This “book sleep” hits me several times a year— and it can occur with any genre of comic book. Apparently I can withstand truly shitty comics and really great comics… But my brain shuts down when I’m faced with massive mediocrity.

I hope to hear from someone soon!

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